Come and be Blessed!


Sunday Morning Praise and Worship!

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We have a blended worship service with praise, music, singing, Scripture, message of God’s Word and Communion. Sometimes, drama and special music are incorporated into the worship.  A time for coffee and fellowship follow the service.

Sunday Mornings:

9:15 a.m.: Coffee Fellowship Time with Pastor Jim

11:00 a.m.: Praise and Worship Celebration
Children’s Worship for 5th Grade and younger will be dismissed during Worship!

Loving care is available in the Nursery during Morning Worship Services.

Wednesday Evenings:
5:00 p.m.: Dinner and Fellowship followed by a 6pm Bible Study.

Children's Worship

Children’s Worship takes place during our Sunday Morning Praise and Worship Celebration and is geared to help our children grow in their faith.  They begin their worship with the whole congregation, sharing in song and praise.  Then they are dismissed to go to Children’s Worship for the remainder of the service, where they will enjoy a variety of activities geared toward getting to know Jesus.

Growing in Faith!


Community Gatherings


Special Services, Events and Programs

Some of our special events and programs we have at the church include:  Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Good Friday Service with area Churches, Nursing Home visits, Prayer Breakfasts, Backyard Services, Family Fun Nights, Food Pantry, Clothing Drives, Community Outreach Programs, and Alcoholics Anonymous, just to name a few.